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2024-02-10 14:38:17
美[səfɪstɪk]  英[səfɪstɪk]
adj.  诡辩的;诡辩法的;似是而非的
sp.  =sophistical.
  副词:sophistically  异体字:sophistical


  1. of or pertaining to sophists
  2. plausible but misleading


  1. Today,I also tell you:”one success cannot make a sophist. 今天,我告诉你:“一次成功也不能表示你是智者。”
  2. Interpreting the Zhongyong: Was Confucius a Sophistic or an Aristotelian ? 解释《中庸》:孔子是诡辩派还是亚里士多德派
  3. Info:Leather Fashion Glove Fastener belt with rivets for best fit Wrap your hands in elegant sophistic ...... 主要材质:真皮次要材质:真皮适用对象:女款式:分指手套
  4. If she is not in his mind, then he knows whatever he says, they will only sound sophistic. 要是连想念也不曾有,他无论说什么,听起来都像强辩。
  5. Thus, it was natural for a Sophist such as Protagoras of Abdera to come to his famous conclusion that "Man is the measure of all things". 因此,像普罗泰格拉这样的智者提出“人是万物的尺度”这样的结论是很自然的。
  6. Interpreted this way, Zhuang Zis idea is clear: it is not sceptical and sophistic as usually evaluated, but rather rich in dialectics. 它并非像人们通常所评价的那样是怀疑论和诡辩论,而是充满了辩证法。