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2024-02-10 15:05:17
美[sɔːbənt]  英[sɔːbənt]
n.  吸附剂(吸着剂;吸收剂)


  1. a material that sorbs another substance; i.e. that has the capacity or tendency to take it up by either absorption or adsorption


  1. Various calcium and sodium based reagents can be utilized as sorbent. 各种钙基和钠基的试剂可以被用来作为吸着剂。
  2. The water that remains on the solid sorbent enhances the reaction with SO2. 保留在固状吸着剂的水提高了与二氧化硫的反应效率。
  3. The inlet concentration of H2S has little influence on sorbent activity. 进口H2S浓度对脱硫剂活性有一些影响,但不是很大;
  4. OSHA.Method ID212//Iodine in Workplace Atmospheres (Solid Sorbent).1992. 车间空气中有害物质测定研究规范.
  5. The methods of making solid coal sorbent and liquid gelsorbent from lignite are also discussed in this paper. 列举了由褐煤制取固体煤质吸附剂和液体凝胶吸附剂的方法。
  6. NaOH addition can raise the level of sorbent reactivity and reduce the sorbent cost in a semidry or dry FGD process. 添加氢氧化钠可以提升吸收剂之反应性,并且可降低半乾式或乾式烟道气除硫程序的成本。