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2024-02-10 15:31:17
美[sərɒrəl]  英[sərɔːrəl]
adj.  姐妹的


  1. like or characteristic of or befitting a sister;

    "sisterly kindness" "sororal concern"


  1. It is a strange mix of protective sororal sympathy and smugness. 这是一种姐妹间的同情与骄矜的奇特混合体。
  2. In cases of sororal polygyny (sisters marrying the same male), the close bonds have already been formed. 在一些姐妹一夫多妻制(姐妹嫁给同一个丈夫)的案例里,已经形成了这种亲密的关系。
  3. Wu Zetian sees the opportunity is mature already, put forward to do obeisance to sororal thing to Xu Hui, xu Hui agreed. 武则天见时机已成熟,便向徐惠提出拜姐妹之事,徐惠答应了。
  4. This method holds to two weeks of effects gradually apparent, be afraid of a trouble especially and reduce weight the sororal door that the heart cuts. 饿了就吃梨.;此方法坚持俩周效果逐渐明显,尤其是怕麻烦而减肥心切的姐妹门。
  5. The big shoe that looks at 40 retroflexions at laying the sororal hand of China hair gradually in, I cant help sighing with emotion:" Heart of parents of pitiful the world! 看着40号的大鞋翻转于渐生华发的姐妹手中,我不禁感慨:"可怜天下父母心哪!
  6. sisterly kindness; sororal concern. 姐妹般的亲切;姐妹般的关心。