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2024-02-10 15:37:16
美[sɔːpʃən]  英[sɔːpʃən]
n.  吸附作用;吸收作用;吸着作用


  1. the process in which one substance takes up or holds another (by either absorption or adsorption)


  1. The IHP depressed the sorption of Pi. IHP会对正磷酸盐的吸附造成影响。
  2. There is hysteresis between the sorption and desorption curves. 吸湿与脱湿曲线间有一定的滞后现象。
  3. The static saturation sorption capacity of APAR is 238 mg/g. 静态吸附饱和容量为每 g树脂 2 38mg;
  4. A similar trend of variation in sorption coefficients w... 水溶性有机物的吸着系数也呈同样的递变趋势。
  5. Researches on the crucial technologies of solid sorption ref... 本文对固体吸附式制冷机的关键技术进行了探讨。
  6. Sorption studies are carried out with P K Cu Mn Zn S and B. 这些养分包括磷、钾、铜、锰、锌、硫和硼。