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2024-02-10 16:35:17
美[sɔːrs]  英[sɔːs]
n.  来源;发源地;原始资料
v.  从...获得
  过去式:sourced  过去分词:sourced  现在分词:sourcing  第三人称单数:sources


  1. 原始资料
  2. 出处
  3. 源,来源,根源,原因
  4. 消息或证据来源,提供消息者
  5. 源头,水源,<古>源泉
  6. 发起者,创造者,创造者
  7. 原型,模型
  8. <古>世系,血统
  9. 【物】源,【电】源极,电源,信号源
  10. (投资等)利息的支付者
  1. 发源
  2. 寻求来源
  3. 发起,引起,向...提供消息
  4. (从特定来源)获得


  1. [C] 河流的源头,发源地 starting-point of a river
  2. [C] 来源,出处 place from which sth comes or is obtained
  3. [C] 原因 a cause
  4. [C] 提供资料者,资料来源 a person or thing that supplies information


  1. the place where something begins, where it springs into being;

    "the Italian beginning of the Renaissance" "Jupiter was the origin of the radiation" "Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River" "communisms Russian root"

  2. a document (or organization) from which information is obtained;

    "the reporter had two sources for the story"

  3. anything that provides inspiration for later work
  4. a facility where something is available
  5. a person who supplies information
  6. someone who originates or causes or initiates something;

    "he was the generator of several complaints"

  7. (technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system;

    "a heat source" "a source of carbon dioxide"

  8. anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies;

    "an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival"

  9. a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to;

    "he carried an armful of references back to his desk" "he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation"

  1. get (a product) from another country or business;

    "She sourced a supply of carpet" "They are sourcing from smaller companies"

  2. specify the origin of;

    "The writer carefully sourced her report"


  1. disclose ones source of泄露…的来源
  2. discover the source发现…的源头
  3. take its source at发源于…
  1. rich source of information丰富的信息来源
  2. authoritative sources权威出处
  3. chief sources主要收入
  4. historical sources史料
  5. power sources能源
  1. as a source of food supply作为食品供应的一个来源
  2. from all sources从各个方面
  3. trace to its source追根寻源


  1. My wages are the principal source of my income.薪金是我收入的主要来源。
  2. Hard work is the ultimate source of success.努力工作是成功之本。
  3. Where is the source of the Yellow River?黄河的发源地在哪儿?
  4. The library has quantities of reference sources.该图书馆藏有大量可供参考的原始资料。
  5. They gathered up from various sources a great amount of firsthand data.他们从各种来源搜集了大量的第一手资料。
  1. We source all the meat sold in our stores from British farms.我们商店里卖的肉均从英国农场购进。