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2024-02-10 16:45:16
美[suːzəfoʊn]  英[suːzəfəʊn]
n.  低音喇叭


  1. the lowest brass wind instrument


  1. A sousaphone player and his bandmates add a folksy note to a wedding celebration in Putna, Romania. 在罗马尼亚的普特纳,一名大号手及其乐队成员为婚礼庆典带来了具有民族风味的音乐。
  2. If really the Chinese flowering quince that his mew resembles a sousaphone, the audience below the stage anounces enthusiastic applause. 果真他的咪咪像个大号的木瓜,台下的观众报以热烈的掌声。
  3. Cannot find appropriate footwear sizes through trying on, namely the sousaphone feels too big, smaller part date is disrelished again small when, best choice is to choose a bit bigger. 通过试穿找不到合适的鞋号,即大号觉得太大,小半号又嫌小的时候,最好选择是选取大一点的。
  4. In free market, is a young lady taking a pair of leather shoes with beautiful design to on the side sell goods young lady wants double big drop try C " do you wear much sousaphone? 在自选商场,一位小姐拿着一双款式漂亮的皮鞋向旁边售货小姐要双大点的试试c“您穿多大号的?”
  5. 2, make the same score with the sousaphone comb blow bang straight. 2、用大号平梳将刘海吹直。
  6. " an old gentleman wants to buy double rubber overshoes, the clerk asks he wears much sousaphone, answer, 41 C gave him a pair 25 2 . 一位老先生想买双胶鞋,服务员问他穿多大号的,答,41码c给了他一双25二’的。