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2024-02-10 17:41:16
美[sɒvrən]  英[sɒvrən]
adj.  统治的(有主权的;最高的;完全的;极好的)
n.  统治者


  1. She shed round her an odour of life, a sovran feminine charm. 她身周散布出生命之香味,散发着一种能主宰一切的女人之魔力。
  2. Along with these there may be co-regents, who exercise no sovran power, but are marked out as eventual successors. 和他们地位相同的则有联合摄政,他们不参与权力运作,只是作为最终继承者的标志。
  3. From his time down to A.D. 480, the Empire is governed by two (or even more) sovran colleagues, who have all equal rights and competence, and differ only in seniority. 从他那时代一直到公元480年,帝国都处于双重(抑或更多)君主统治下,每位君主地位和权力相等,只是任职资历各异。
  4. No formal title, however, raised the sovran above the co-regent, though the latter, for the sake of distinction, was often called "the second p7 Emperor," or if he was a child, "the little Emperor. 没有任何正式的头衔将君王与联合摄政进行区别,虽然有时候为了区分,将后者称之为“第二皇帝”,或者如果后者尚在年幼,则称之为“小皇帝”。
  5. 8. She shed round her an odour of life, a sovran feminine charm. 她身周散布出生命之香味,散发着一种能主宰一切的女人之魔力。