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2024-02-10 18:14:17
美[speɪsˌwɜːðɪ]  英[speɪswɜːðɪ]
adj.  能作航天飞行的;具有太空耐航力的


  1. Damage reports were pouring in, but the ship was still spaceworthy. 损坏报告川流不息地涌来,但船还能开上天。
  2. NASA meant each one to last ten years or 100 flights, and though bad weather put paid to that, the five spaceworthy orbiters made more than 130 flights. NASA将其寿命设计为10年或100次飞行,但恶劣的天气却使之事与愿违,5架运行良好的轨道器已执行了超过130次飞行任务。
  3. Rem and Gnea had resumed contact with the Sentinels ship, and the shuttle was spaceworthy, but the special commo rig for reaching the scouting team was permanently out of commission. 雷和妮雅已经与哨兵之船重新取得了联系,穿梭艇可以升空,但联络侦察队的专用通讯设备是彻底失灵了。