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2024-02-10 18:20:17
美  英
n.  斯百克填料(一种抹墙粉的商标名)
vt.  以斯百克填料涂


  1. powder (containing gypsum plaster and glue) that when mixed with water forms a plastic paste used to fill cracks and holes in plaster


  1. He planed the projected paint and spackle off the wall. 他把原来的油漆和抹墙粉从墙上刨掉了。
  2. Mash up a few aspirin with enough water to make a paste and use like spackle to fill tiny holes. 将少许阿斯匹林捣碎,放入足够的水中做成糊状,用做填泥料以堵住小孔。
  3. A 3-D dynamic displacement field is studied and tested by use of two sets of rotation aperture spackle photographic system. 采用两套旋转孔径散斑照相系统对动态三维位移场进行了研测。
  4. Need to fill small pin holes in the drywall? Mash up a few aspirin with enough water to make a paste and use like spackle to fill tiny holes. 您需要堵住干墙上的小孔?将少许阿斯匹林捣碎,放入足够的水中做成糊状,用做填泥料以堵住小孔。
  5. Gothic walls are being moulded and costumes sewn.Women stitch hairs onto goblins.A sculptor creates a huge monument to wizarding might.Two men are employed to spackle the roof. 哥特式墙壁层层堆砌,特别服装针针缝起,女工给小妖精们结上头发,一位雕塑家为魔法立起高大的纪念碑,两位工人为屋顶填上泥料。
  6. The CCD is used to scan the moving spackle picture through the image acquisition board.Two parameters of optimum sampling, pixel and image displacement, are obtained by data analysis. 用图像采集卡采集CCD扫描数散斑图像得到的图像,将图像数字化,分析数据得到了图像最优采样的像素单元和图像位移两个参量。