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2024-02-10 18:47:17
美[spæn]  英[spæn]
n.  时期;跨度;间距
vt.  延续;横跨;贯穿;遍及;弥补
sp.  动词spin的过去式形式.
  过去式:spanned  过去分词:spanned  现在分词:spanning  第三人称单数:spans


  1. 全长
  2. 跨度,跨距
  3. 一段时间
  4. 【空】翼展
  5. 墩距
  6. 广度
  7. 指距(合九英寸)
  8. 一叉宽(合九英寸)
  9. <美>共轭马,共轭骡
  10. 一对共轭牛、共轭马
  11. 一拃
  12. 很小的间隔,片刻,顷刻
  13. 从一头到一头
  14. 持续时间
  1. 动词spin的过去式形式
  1. 跨越,横跨
  2. 以指距量,(以手指)测量
  3. 用手环绕
  4. 在…架桥,架设
  5. 在…上建拱门
  6. (用)拃
  7. 时浮时沉地向前游泳
  8. 段段移进
  9. 并排套在车上
  10. 观测
  11. 到,及
  12. 持续
  13. 延伸到
  14. 弥补
  15. 包括(广大地区)
  16. 涵盖(多项内容)
  17. 【数】生成,张成
  18. 贯穿
  19. 估量


  1. [C] 跨度,跨径 distance or part between the supports of an arch or a bridge
  2. [C] 两个界限间的距离 a stretch between two thing, especially in time; period
  3. [C] 一段时间 a length of time over which the stated thing continues or works well


  1. the complete duration of something;

    "the job was finished in the span of an hour"

  2. the distance or interval between two points
  3. two items of the same kind
  4. a unit of length based on the width of the expanded human hand (usually taken as 9 inches)
  5. a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.
  6. the act of sitting or standing astride
  1. to cover or extend over an area or time period;

    "Rivers traverse the valley floor" "The parking lot spans 3 acres" "The novel spans three centuries"


  1. have a span of有…长〔宽〕
  2. lengthen〔shorten〕 the span延长〔缩短〕时间
  3. widen the span of knowledge扩大知识面
  1. brief〔short〕 span短暂的时间
  2. whole span全长
  1. attention span注意力持续集中的时间
  2. life span寿命
  3. memory span记忆持续时间
  1. measure by spans用指距来量
  2. in a span在一段时间中
  3. 100 feet in span跨距一百英尺
  4. bridge of three spans三孔桥
  5. over a span of在…之中
  1. span of a bridge桥的跨度
  2. span of knowledge知识面
  3. span of life寿命
  4. span of memory记忆的广度
  5. span of ten years十年的时间


  1. Modern medicine has increased mans life span.现代医学延长了人的寿命。
  2. He has settled here for a long span of time.他已经在这儿定居很长一段时间了。
  3. The arch has a span of 60 meters.拱门的跨度为60米。
  4. The spider has a leg span of 3 inches.这个蜘蛛的腿的长度为3英寸。
  5. The clear span of a bridge is the gap from the near edge of the next.桥梁的净跨,是自一个桥墩的近侧边到相邻桥墩近侧边之间的间距。
  1. The shipwrecks span nearly a century.这些船只残骸已有近百年历史。
  2. Little bridges span the canals.小型的桥梁横跨在运河之上。
  3. The gloom spans the whole novel.阴郁的气氛贯穿着整部小说。
  4. His knowledge spans many different areas.他的知识遍及许多领域。
  5. Imagination will span the gaps in our knowledge.想像力会弥补我们知识的不足。