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2024-02-10 19:14:17
美[spɑːgənoʊsɪs]  英[spɑːgənəʊsɪs]
n.  [医]裂头蚴病


  1. Human sparganosis is a rare parasitic disease infected by plerocercoid larva (sparganum) of Spirometra species. 人体幼裂头绦虫病是一种由裂头绦虫之长尾幼虫所感染的罕见寄生虫病。
  2. Objective To investigate the clinicopathological characters of cerebral sparganosis. 目的探讨人脑孟氏迭宫裂头蚴病的临床病理特点。
  3. We also review previously documented 19 human sparganosis in Taiwan to provide the clinical context for this report. 我们整理了先前在台湾发表过的19个病例并提供相关临床资料。
  4. Objective To study the value of MRI in the diagnosis of cerebral sparganosis in children. 摘要目的探讨MRI对儿童脑裂头蚴病的诊断价值。
  5. During the past 20 years, there has been significant progress in studies of human plerocercoidosis and sparganosis, especially the former. 欧猬迭宫绦虫裂头蚴病和增殖无头蚴病主要分布于东亚,拟曼氏迭宫绦虫裂头蚴病见于美国。
  6. Among the human cases,40.38% of the 104 people suffered from encephalic sparganosis,the infection rate of which showed a significant increase during the years. 2000年以来;国内文献报道的104例裂头蚴病例中;脑脊髓裂头蚴病的发病率最高;占40.;38%25(42/104);其次是皮下裂头蚴病、眼裂头蚴病、口腔颌面部裂头蚴病及内脏裂头蚴病;分别占35