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2024-02-10 19:23:17
美[spɑːrklər]  英[spɑːklə(r)]
n.  烟火;宝石;闪闪发光之物


  1. diamonds;

    "look at the ice on that dame!"

  2. a firework that burns slowly and throws out a shower of sparks


  1. Celebrating New Year, sparkler and smile. 发出火花图片 Cristina sparking.
  2. Place a large sparkler in the music holder of your sax and light it as your partner steps on to the balcony. 在萨克斯管的谱夹上放一个大的发光物件,在对方走到阳台上时,将之亮起。
  3. The chinese put on a tastic show and we have basically a red bus and a sparkler. 中国人的表演非常令人着迷,可我们就只有一辆红巴士和一些发光物(是指巴士变形后出来的绿哇哇的东西咩?)
  4. The chinese put on a fantastic show and we have basically a red bus and a sparkler. 中国人的表演非常令人着迷,可阿拉就只有一辆红巴士和一些发光物(是指巴士变形后出来的绿哇哇的东西咩?)
  5. Water. Water. -Oh, I aint surprised. Uhm, you know, we have a Norwegian pomegranate sparkler, which you will really, really love, okay. 水。水。-哦,我不奇怪。嗯,你知道,我们有挪威石榴汁汽水酒,你会非常非常喜欢,好的。
  6. Liling has a long history of sparkler, and it was more than 1300 years ago.It has become one of nationwide main fireworks production districts. 醴陵花炮历史修久,距今已有1300多年的历史,现已成为全国花炮主要产区之一。