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2024-02-10 19:27:16
美[spɑːklɪŋlɪ]  英[spɑːklɪŋlɪ]
adv.  发火花地(发泡地)


  1. It doesn’t sound promising, but Trollope’s sparklingly satirical novels are among the best-loved books of all time. 听起来不是那么吸引人的一本书,但特罗洛普才华横溢的讽刺小说一直都跻身最受人喜爱的书籍行列。
  2. Just imagine, after 2 decades of being ‘in’, ‘out’ and ‘in’ again, they still look sparklingly new! 不过这次徐向东被开除好像跟上级没什么直接关系,其中一个主要是因为球员家长轰炮他偏心,只注重一名球员的发展,而让其他小球员觉得不被重视,因而士气低落。
  3. Apart from anything else, she wrote such sparklingly wonderful letters and her turn of phrase could be utterly memorable. 而除此以外;她也能写出很神奇的心;她的用词是那么值得回忆.
  4. Instead of Hao (good) and Feichang Hao (very good), there are a range of Shanghainese words to convey everything from sparklingly brilliant to excellent or amazing. 譬如称赞的用语,普通话一般会用“好”,“很好”等相对贫乏的词汇,上海话却有一系列的词语去描述,像是灵啊,赞啊,哈灵,老赞的。
  5. With his remarkable intelligence, he haselucidated the unique and significant natural right theory among whichthere are some profound original ideas still glistening sparklingly so far. 他以其卓越的智慧阐发了独特而意蕴深刻的自然权利学说,其中的一些深邃创见至今仍闪烁光芒。
  6. Hallidays comments grew daily more and more sparklingly disagreeable and disparaging 一天天过去,哈里代的评论越来越肆无忌惮,越来越讨人嫌,越来越阴损了。