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2024-02-10 19:32:17
美[spɑːrɪ]  英[spɑːɪ]
adj.  泥石的;像泥石的


  1. The dolostone includes sparry dolostone, residual-grained dolostone, residual limy dolostone and algae dolostone. 其中的白云岩主要包括结晶白云岩、残余颗粒白云岩、残余灰质白云岩和隐藻白云岩等类型。
  2. The primary rocks were sparry oolitic limestone and micrite oolitic limestone, but dolomitization destroyed the original sedimentary textures. 原生岩石为亮晶鲕粒石灰岩和泥晶鲕粒石灰岩,白云石化作用使其岩石结构大多遭受破坏。
  3. Grainstones are the main part of the section, among which the oolites, intraclast limestones and most bioclast limestones are cemented by sparry calcite. 颗粒灰岩在剖面中占绝大多数,其中,鲕粒灰岩、内碎屑灰岩和多数生物碎屑灰岩均为亮晶方解石胶结。
  4. The Carboniferous Veitsch nappe of the Austroalpine Greywacke zone (Austria/Eastern Alps) is the type region of the "Veitsch type" sparry magnesite. Its genetic interpretation is the subject of intensive discussions for several decades. 奥地利东阿尔卑斯山地区Austroalpine杂砂岩带中的石炭纪Veitsch逆冲推覆体是"Veitsch型"晶质菱镁矿化的典型地区。
  5. Carbonate hosted sparry magnesite of the Greywacke zone, Austria/Eastern Alps 奥地利东阿尔卑斯山地区杂砂岩带中赋存于碳酸盐岩中的晶质菱镁矿床(英文)