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2024-02-10 19:45:16
美[spæzmɒdɪkli]  英[spæzmɒdɪkli]
adv.  断续性地;发作性地


  1. with spasms;

    "the mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner"

  2. in spurts and fits;

    "I began to write intermittently and spasmodically"


  1. I began to write intermittently and spasmodically. 我开始断断续续地写了起来。
  2. She opened and clenched her hands spasmodically. 她的双手象抽风似地一会儿攥紧,一会儿伸开。
  3. To move jerkily or spasmodically. 不稳地或断续地动
  4. The muscles of the Dukes face jerked spasmodically. 公爵脸上的肌肉一阵一阵地抽搐着。
  5. The phenomena of which some genetic effects were spasmodically expressible were detected among filling stages of rice. 条件遗传分析的结果还表明一些遗传效应存在着发育时期间断表达的现象。
  6. His wilful hands and feet began to beat and churn about, spasmodically and feebly. “听着,乔,你要是那样做,我就揍你脑袋,看在你是老朋友面上,揍得更狠。