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2024-02-10 20:30:16
美[spɪəmən]  英[spɪəmən]
n.  枪兵


  1. I thought directly of Rosanna Spearman. 我顿时就想到罗姗娜·史柏尔曼。
  2. Cavalry can now charge a spearman army. 骑兵现在可对长矛部队冲锋了。
  3. If you do, youe goal should be 4-5 Archers and a Spearman guard. 如果你确定这么做,你需要4-5个弓箭手加上1个矛兵来保护他们。
  4. The data were assessed by the Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients. 经pearson及Spearman相关系数分析。
  5. How general intelligence arose from the brain, Spearman could not say. 斯皮尔曼无法说明普遍智力如何由大脑产生。
  6. Build a road to there, put down a spearman and a few archers, and kill everything that moves past you. 修通道路到达那里,放一个矛兵加几个弓箭手,然后杀死通过那里的敌军。