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2024-02-10 20:50:16
美[spəsɪfɪk]  英[spəsɪfɪk]
adj.  明确的;特殊的;具有特效的
n.  特效药;详情;特性
  副词:specifically  名词:specificity


  1. 明确的,具体的,详尽的
  2. 特定的,确切的
  3. 独特的,特有的,独有的
  4. 【生】种的
  5. 【医】由特种病菌引起的
  6. 专门的,仅限于…的
  7. 【细菌】专性的
  8. 【医】有特效的,仅对一种病原体有效的
  9. 【免疫学】特异型的
  10. 【商】按数量征税的
  1. 特效药
  2. (尤指分类学上的)专名
  3. 详情,细节
  4. 特性,特色
  5. 详细说明书
  6. 特殊用途的事物,有特定用途的东西
  7. 详论
  8. 具体问题,具体方面


  1. 明确的,确切的,详尽的 detailed and exact; clear in meaning or explanation
  2. [A] 具体的,特有的,特定的 particular; fixed, determined, or named
  3. 仅限于…的,只发现于…的 limited to; found only in
  1. [C] 特效药 drug used to treat a particular disease or condition
  2. [P] 具体方面,细节 particular aspect or precise detail


  1. a fact about some part (as opposed to general);

    "he always reasons from the particular to the general"

  2. a medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease;

    "quinine is a specific for malaria"

  1. (sometimes followed by `to) applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique;

    "rules with specific application" "demands specific to the job" "a specific and detailed account of the accident"

  2. stated explicitly or in detail;

    "needed a specific amount"

  3. relating to or distinguishing or constituting a taxonomic species;

    "specific characters"

  4. being or affecting a disease produced by a particular microorganism or condition; used also of stains or dyes used in making microscope slides;

    "quinine is highly specific for malaria" "a specific remedy" "a specific stain is one having a specific affinity for particular structural elements"


  1. specific address确切的地点
  2. specific date具体的日期
  3. specific occasion特定场合
  4. specific style独特的风格


  1. He gave us very specific instructions.他给我们做了非常明确的指示。
  2. This tells you that there is a specific distinction between the right and the wrong.这件事告诉你是与非是有明确的区别的。
  3. Let us take a look at three specific areas of concern.让我们看一看三个特殊的令人关切的领域。
  4. There is no specific remedy for the malady.没有医治这种病的特效药。
  1. This is a specific for cancer.这是一种治疗癌症的特效药。
  2. He never talked in specifics about his work.他从不谈论有关自己工作的详情。
  3. The specifics of this data are specified via a schema in the process definition.该数据的特性是由过程定义模式决定的。