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2024-02-10 21:37:16
美[spektrəskoʊp]  英[spektrəskəʊp]
n.  分光镜
  形容词:spectroscopic  副词:spectroscopically


  1. an optical instrument for spectrographic analysis


  1. Corresponding optical antenna and spectroscope are designed. 设计了和上述推证相关的光学天线和分光镜等。
  2. Precision values of atomic masses are measured in a device called a mass spectroscope. 原子质量的精确值是用一种称为质谱仪的装置来测量的。
  3. GaAs-Al_xGa_(1-x)As heterostructure grown by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) has beenstudied by Auger electron spectroscope. 采用俄歇电子能谱仪(AES)对液相外延生长的GaAs-AlxGa_(1-x)As异质结构进行了研究.
  4. Inside the aircraft, a spectroscope would "read" the data and record where the bacteria around land mines is located. 然后结合使用激光技术和定向能源束,从天空就可以起爆地雷。
  5. He drew a line on the chart; The substance produced characteristic lines on the spectroscope. 他在图上画了一条线。
  6. The order of the mian components in HPLC curve was locked coupled with ultraviolet spectroscope. 结合紫外光谱确定了庚烷溶物组主要成分在HPLC流出曲线中的出峰顺序。