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2024-02-10 21:45:17
美[spekjələtɪv]  英[spekjələtɪv]
adj.  推测的;推理的;思索的;投机的
  副词:speculatively  名词:speculativeness


  1. 推测的
  2. 思索的
  3. 投机的
  4. 纯理论的
  5. 好投机的
  6. 非实用性的
  7. 冒险性的
  8. 不确定的
  9. 揣摩的
  10. 忖度的
  11. 试探的
  12. 推理的
  13. 冒险的
  14. 猜测的
  15. 推断的
  16. 思辨的
  17. 投机(性质)的
  18. 冒风险的
  1. 思考
  2. 思索
  3. 投机


  1. not financially safe or secure;

    "a bad investment" "high risk investments" "anything that promises to pay too much cant help being risky" "speculative business enterprises"

  2. not based on fact or investigation;

    "a notional figure of cost helps in determining production costs" "speculative knowledge"

  3. showing curiosity;

    "if someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive" "raised a speculative eyebrow"


  1. The report is highly speculative and should be ignored.那个报道推测的成分很大,不应理会。
  2. The inaccessibility of this remote region, now called Amazonia, meant that long-held theories about the early days of the river and surrounding forest were speculative at best.而现在称为亚马逊流域的这个偏远地区难以进入,也意味著长期以来关于早期河流与周围森林的理论,顶多是靠推测的。
  3. The other case which is excluded is the case of speculative demand.另一个未谈的情况是投机的需要。
  4. If this plays out as a gulf hurricane there is speculative energy galore to go along with it.如果这演奏因为那里海湾飓风是投机的能量丰盛去与它一起。