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2024-02-10 22:36:16
美[spɪlʌŋkə(r)]  英[spɪlʌŋkə(r)]
n.  爱好探索洞穴的人


  1. a person who explores caves


  1. A lamp mounted on a miners or spelunkers hard hat. 照明灯一种安装在矿工或洞穴探险者头戴的坚固帽子上的灯
  2. Character StoryLeo is the child of world-renowned male spelunker, and a ... 官方设定为男性,估计这个人翻译错误。。。。
  3. Unless youre an avid spelunker, or a troglodyte, the answer is probably not too often. 除非你是一名洞穴探索爱好者或者一名穴居人。
  4. The Arakyd Spelunker probe droid was typical of such units, equipped with a sophisticated sensor array that could detect precious ores. 阿拉基德公司的“勘探者”机器人便是其中的典型。它们配备有高精度传感器,可以发现稀有矿藏。
  5. Photo Gallery: Caves A spelunker in a glacier cave in Greenland gazes upon colors and shapes that look more like a swirling galaxy than a cave formation. 意译:洞穴的图片画廊。一位爱好探索洞穴的人在一个冰川溶洞位于格陵兰目光注视上颜色和形状,看起来更像一个旋转的银河比一个洞穴的建造。
  6. a lamp mounted on a spelunkers hard hat 安装在洞穴探险者坚固帽子上的灯