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2024-02-10 23:04:17
美[ˌspɜːmətoʊdʒɪnetɪk]  英[ˌspɜːmətəʊdʒɪnetɪk]
adj.  [生]精子发生的


  1. Serum FSH could not predict the other type of spermatogenetic damage exactly. 对于其他类型的生精功能受损,测定血清FSH水平预测作用。
  2. The morphologic observation of testis showed that interstitial and spermatogenetic cells were of paromorphia.All... 睾丸形态学观察发现:睾丸间质细胞及各级生精细胞形态异常。
  3. A number of investigators have suggested that chromosomal anomalies can contribute to human infertility causing spermatogenetic derangement. 一些调查表明,染色体异常可导致生精紊乱而造成人类不孕不育。
  4. The testis at spermatid phase develops continually, and is deep in color, and the spermatogenetic cells in seminiferous tubule are primarily composed of spermatids. 精细胞期,精巢体积继续增大,颜色加深,生精小管内的生殖细胞以精细胞为主;
  5. The testis at mature sperm phase get to the biggest in volume, and is purple, and the spermatogenetic cells in seminiferous tubule are almost composed of mature sperms. 成熟精子期,精巢体积可达最大,紫红色,生精小管内充满着成熟的精子;
  6. The testis at spermatocyte phase develops, and is translucent, and the spermatogenetic cells in seminiferous tubule are primarily composed of primary spermatocytes and secondary spermatocytes. 精母细胞期:精巢体积增大,半透明乳白色,主要由处于初级精母细胞和次级精母细胞阶段的生殖细胞组成;