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2024-02-10 23:08:17
美[ˌspɜːmətəgoʊnɪəm]  英[ˌspɜːmətəgəʊnɪəm]
n.  [生]精原细胞
  形容词:spermatogonial  名词复数:spermatogonia


  1. Selenium can coordinate the expression of the protein P16 in the testicle spermatogonium of rat colon cancer induce by AOM. 硒可增强AOM所致结肠癌大鼠精原细胞P16蛋白的表达。
  2. The spermatogonium could be distinguished into two types: A type and B type, and A type could be divided into A1 type and A2 type. 精原细胞分为两种类型,即A型和B型,其中,A型精原细胞又分为A1型和A2型。
  3. Objective To study the mutability of ultra sodium pyrosulfite intake on ultrastructure changes and spermatogonium mice testis. 目的研究经口摄入超量焦亚硫酸钠对小鼠睾丸超微结构影响及对精原细胞的致突毒性。
  4. Spermatogenic cells remained at the stage of spermatogonium and the endoplasmic reticulum of sustentacular cells expanded abnormally as cystic structure. 精曲小管中无精子生成,生精细胞停滞在精原细胞阶段,支持细胞的内质网异常地扩大呈囊泡状。
  5. Chromatin hetropycnote partly in spermatogonium, then become highly coacervate to form chromosome at the stage of spermatid and at last decondense at the stage of spermatozoon. 染色质在精原细胞中为部分异固缩,在精母细胞中高度凝聚为染色体,在精细胞及精子中为均匀非致密态。
  6. In order to study the general law on meiosis of Periplaneta Brunnea.Air-dried method was used to observe the chromosome of spermatogonium in different stages. 探讨褐斑大蠊减数分裂规律,运用空气干燥法对褐斑大蠊精原细胞第一次减数分裂染色体形态进行观察。