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2024-02-10 23:12:16
美[spɜːmətəˌfoʊr]  英[spɜːmətəˌfɔː]
n.  精囊


  1. The condom is Lubricated normal condom,which has a spermatophore on the top. 功夫王安全套为润滑型安全套,顶端有储精囊。
  2. This gland is located on the distal end of spermatophore cyst, and shaped like a semicylinder which consists of many acini. 促雄性腺位于精荚囊末端,半圆柱状,由许多腺泡组成,细胞内富含粗面内质网和高尔基氏体,推测其分泌蛋白质性质的激素。
  3. Spermatophore - A bundle of sperm and proteinaceous material presented to female insect as a nuptial gift. 精 -捆绑的精子和蛋白质材料提交给女性昆虫作为彩礼。
  4. As we know, there are a pair of duct-like gland tissue located in the back of urethra and prostate, that is spermatophore. 我们知道,在人体的后尿道处,前列腺的后方,生长着一对呈管状的腺体组织,叫做精囊。
  5. And the prostate is close and relatively to spermatophore and ejaculation tube, prostatitis also causes inflammation of spermatophore sometimes. 前列腺与精囊和射精管毗邻并密切相关,因此前列腺炎往往会同时累及精囊。
  6. What today still confuses scientists is women have no organ like men’s spermatophore to store sperm, then where is her “sperm’ stored. 令医学家至今不解的是,女性并无男性用于贮存精液的精囊一样的器官,那她的“精液”又集中贮存于何处呢?