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2024-02-11 00:25:17
美[spɪk]  英[spɪk]
n.  内插法测船位计算机


  1. <俚><贬>西班牙裔的美国人
  2. 西班牙语区的人
  3. 墨西哥人
  4. 拉丁美洲人
  5. 在美国讲西班牙语的人
  6. 内插法测船位计算机
  7. 斯皮茨(音译名)
  8. ship position-interpolation computer 船舶位置修改计算机
  9. Society for the Promotion of Identity on Campus 校园身份提升协会


  1. (ethnic slur) offensive term for persons of Latin American descent
  1. completely neat and clean;

    "the apartment was immaculate" "in her immaculate white uniform" "a spick-and-span kitchen" "their spic red-visored caps"


  1. Mrs. Lin always keeps her house spic and span. (林太太常常保持房子一尘不染。)
  2. Style:Dry red medium-bodied,plum herbs and spic taste. 风格:干红,中度酒体,李子,香草及香料味道。
  3. I know what it feels like...People have called me names like spic and wetback. 我知道那滋味...有人曾经叫我西班牙佬和湿背人。
  4. Carlo Rizzi: You spic slobs still betting Yankees? Tell them to stop taking in action. We lost enough money last week. 这些家伙还是把美国佬打得惨兮兮?叫他们不要再接受投注了。我们上周末输的钱够多了。
  5. World bank enters two years of pair of Beijing, Shanghai, spic, ferry, Chengdu 5 big cities made many survey. 世界银行进两年对京、沪、穗、津、蓉五大城市作了大量的调研。
  6. The report shows: Baidu in Beijing, Shanghai, spic the market share of 3 cities drops somewhat. 报告显示:百度在京、沪、穗三城市的市场份额略有下跌。