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2024-02-11 01:47:16
美[spɪni]  英[spɪni]
n.  小树林


  1. 杂树林
  2. <英>树丛
  3. 小树林
  4. 灌木丛
  5. 矮林
  6. 斯平尼 (音译名)


  1. a copse that shelters game


  1. There are forest, spinney, open woodland, plough field, grass and rock around the Great Wall. 长城周围的土地利用类型主要有有林地,灌木林,疏林地,耕地,荒草地和裸岩。
  2. It happened that t here was in the yard a pile of timber which had been stacked there ten years earlier when a beech spinney was cleared. 碰巧,在庄园的场院里,有一堆十年前在清理一片榉树林时堆在那儿的木材,至今已经很合用了。
  3. When hes watching TV place a spinney office chair in his direct line of vision and start spinning around like a mad person yelling “Im not wearing pants tooooooooday!!!! 在他看电视的时候放一把办公室的转椅在他面前,然后坐在上面边转边喊“我今天没穿裤裤!"
  4. a grove; a clump; an undergrowth; a thicket; (Br.) a spinney 树丛
  5. When hes watching TV place spinney office chair in his direct line of vision and start spinning around like mad person yelling “Im not wearing pants tooooooooday!!!!” 在他看电视的时候放一把办公室的转椅在他面前,然后坐在上面边转边喊“我今天没穿裤裤!"
  6. 27。When hes watching TV place a spinney office chair in his direct line of vision and start spinning around like a mad person yelling “Im not wearing pants tooooooooday!!!!” 在他看电视的时候放一把办公室的转椅在他面前,然后坐在上面边转边喊“我今天没穿裤裤!"