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2024-02-11 01:53:17
美[spɪnə]  英[spɪnə]
n.  自旋量


  1. Therefore, the stator and rotor and the vent was spinor into two parts. 因此,定子的不退、排气口被转子和旋子隔成两个局部。
  2. Spinor theory of diffraction from aperture in slant illumination[J]. 引用该论文 何宜军;杨铨让.
  3. Canton Spinor Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. is a Hong Kong under the Volkswagen Group companies. 广州旋量机电设备有限公司是香港大众集团属下的公司之一。
  4. By using a coherent state method,we prove that the geometric phase of the spinor in rotating magnetic fields to be one half of the solid angle that the spinor states sweep. 运用相干态方法,本文证明了中子在旋转磁场中的几何相位是粒子态矢量在态空间中扫过的立体角的一半,同时提供了一种几何相位在周期演化中的简单算法。
  5. This is equivalent to an ordinary (non-projective) representation of the double cover of SO(p,q, R ), which is a real Lie group called the spinor group Spin(p,q). 是旋转群(李群SO(n;R) )的投影表象中的元素,或更广义地说,是SO(p;q;R)群的投影表象中的元素,其中p + q = n for spinors in a space of nontrivial signature.
  6. We have extended the Rindler effect to the Dirac spinor field. By means of the Bogoliubov transformation on the Dirac spinor field in Rindler spacetime. We obtain a similar result to the Klein-Gordon scalar field. 将Rindler效应在Dirac旋量场中做了推广,通过Rindler时空中Dirac旋量场的Bogliubov变换,得到了和Klein-Gordon标量场中相类似的结果。