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2024-02-11 01:56:16
美[spaɪnəs]  英[spaɪnəs]
adj.  多刺的;刺状的;尖尖的


  1. having spines;

    "the dorsal fin is spinous"

  2. shaped like a spine or thorn


  1. Capsule by soft spinous accessary body. 蒴果被软刺状的附属体。
  2. We can see spinous pollen grain in the fruit by microscope. 显微观察可见,果中的刺球状花粉粒最为显著。
  3. Melanin granule obviously increased in spinous cell. 结论 砷致皮肤癌在棘细胞内有许多黑素颗粒。
  4. A sharp spiny part or structure, such as the spinous process of a vertebra. 脊柱,椎骨脊突带尖刺的部位或结构,如脊椎动物的棘状突起
  5. A sharp spiny part or structure,such as the spinous process of a vertebra. 脊柱,椎骨脊突带尖刺的部位或结构,如脊椎动物的棘状突起。
  6. The C2 spinous process was pushed ventrally to achieve ideal reduction. 将C2棘突向腹侧推以达到理想复位。