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2024-02-11 03:07:17
美[spaɪəroʊˌplæzmə]  英[spaɪərəʊˌplæzmə]
n.  [生]螺原体(一种致病的原核生物)


  1. No cross-reaction could be observed with terrestrial plants/insects Spiroplasma strains. 淡水甲壳动物螺原体最终被确定是一个新种。
  2. Any of numerous bacteria of the genus Spiroplasma that vary in form, lack flagella, and are associated with various plant diseases. These bacteria and the related mycoplasma are the only bacteria without cell walls. 螺原体螺原体属中许多种细菌中任一种,外形可变且缺少鞭毛,与各种植物疾病相关。这类细菌和相关的支原菌是唯一的无细胞壁的菌类
  3. any of numerous bacteria of the genus Spiroplasma that vary in form,lack flagella,and are associated with various plant diseases 原体螺原体属中许多种细菌中任一种,外形可变且缺少鞭毛,与各种植物疾病相关
  4. Firstly, the phylogenetic position of a novel spiroplasma pathogen in freshwater crustaceans were identified based on their DNA sequences and protein characteristic analysis; 本文首先从DNA水平和蛋白水平对水生甲壳动物新型病原体-螺原体的系统发生地位进行了确立;
  5. Spiroplasma apis 蜂螺旋原体