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2024-02-11 03:38:17
美[splæʃ]  英[splæʃ]
n.  溅泼(声);溅泼的量;溅污的斑点;骚动;少许
v.  溅(湿);报道
  名词:splasher  过去式:splashed  过去分词:splashed  现在分词:splashing  第三人称单数:splashes


  1. vt. & vi. 溅,溅湿 cause (a liquid) to fly about in drops; make sb/sth wet


  1. the sound like water splashing
  2. a prominent or sensational but short-lived news event;

    "he made a great splash and then disappeared"

  3. a small quantity of something moist or liquid;

    "a dab of paint" "a splatter of mud" "just a splash of whiskey"

  4. a patch of bright color;

    "her red hat gave her outfit a splash of color"

  5. the act of splashing a (liquid) substance on a surface
  6. the act of scattering water about haphazardly
  1. cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force;

    "She splashed the water around her"

  2. walk through mud or mire;

    "We had to splosh across the wet meadow"

  3. dash a liquid upon or against;

    "The mother splashed the babys face with water"

  4. mark or overlay with patches of contrasting color or texture; cause to appear splashed or spattered;

    "The mountain was splashed with snow"

  5. make a splashing sound;

    "water was splashing on the floor"

  6. soil or stain with a splashed liquid
  7. strike and dash about in a liquid;

    "The boys splashed around in the pool"


  1. splash furniture溅在家具上
  2. splash house溅在房屋上
  3. splash wall溅在墙上
  4. splash window溅在窗户上
  1. splash about使…四溅
  2. splash money about挥霍钱财
  3. splash water about四处溅水
  4. splash down泼下,流下
  5. splash up溅脏…
  1. splash across a stream溅着水走过小溪
  2. splash in the bath在浴池中溅水
  3. splash mud over sb把泥浆溅到某人身上
  4. splash through the mud踏着泥浆前进


  1. There was splash in the pond, and a big goldfish bobbed up.水池里扑通一声,一条大金鱼窜了起来。
  2. He jumped into the water with a splash.他噗通一声跳进水里。
  3. Theres a splash of paint on the white wall.白墙上溅上了一片油漆。
  4. He achieved a perfectly clean entry,and there is almost no splash.他的入水非常漂亮,几乎没有溅起水花。
  5. There are some splashes of mud on your trousers.你的裤子上溅有泥浆。
  6. The princess made quite a splash in Australia.公主在澳洲引起了轰动。
  7. Thiss the moive that made a splash in that time.这就是那部轰动一时的电影。
  8. He poured in a generous splash of rye.他搀入了相当多的黑麦威士忌酒。
  9. Just a splash of milk in my coffee, please.请在我的咖啡里稍为加点儿牛奶。
  1. The boys always splash about in rainwater.孩子们总是在雨水里玩耍。
  2. The waves splashed on the beach.波浪飞溅到海滩上。
  3. The story was splashed across the front page of the newspaper.这篇报道刊登在报纸头版显著位置。


    splash的基本意思是指某种液体溅出或溅湿某人或某物,也可指把泥浆等溅到或泼洒到某人或某物上面。 splash可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,后面常跟about, on, over等; 用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,后常跟on, over等。 splash可用于被动结构。