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2024-02-11 04:17:17
美[splɪntɪdʒ]  英[splɪntɪdʒ]
n.  [医]使用夹板


  1. Methods We had used erternal splintage and plaster after the reduction by hand. 方法手法复位后用小夹板加石膏托外固定。
  2. Methods:75 cases of extension type supracondylar fracture of humerus were treated with multilayer splintage. 方法:采用多层夹板固定治疗75例伸直型肱骨髁上骨折。
  3. small splintage of femoral shaft fracture 股骨干骨折小夹板固定术
  4. small splintage of humeral shaft fracture 肱骨干骨折小夹板固定术
  5. Experience with MEBO in treating compression ulcer post splintage 湿润烧伤膏治疗小夹板固定术后压迫性溃疡临床体会
  6. Keywords carpal tunnel syndrome;splintage;scale;electrodiagnostic testing; 腕管综合征;支具;量表;电诊断检查;