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2024-02-11 04:34:17
美[spɒdəsɒl]  英[spɒdəsɒl]
n.  [地]灰土


  1. Advocate the use of spodosol,cement,stones and other local materials. 提倡使用灰土、水泥土、砌石等当地材料;
  2. This site offers images from the tropics e.g. pictures of soil profiles: aridisol in Peru, vertisol in Kenya, alfisol in Nigeria, mollisol in Thailand, spodosol in Brazil, laterite outcrops etc. 该站点提供大量热带土壤的剖面图,如:秘鲁的旱成土、肯尼亚的变性土、尼日利亚的淋溶土、泰国的软土、巴西的灰土、红土岩层等。
  3. Keywords: hydropower station, foundation treatment, pebble substitution, spodosol pile, 关键词:水电站,地基处理,砂卵石换填,素土换填,灰土井桩
  4. Preliminary Exploration of Available using Age of Spodosol and Plastic Membrane Used in Cana Seepage Preventing Engineering 灰土塑膜在渠道防渗工程中有效使用年限初探
  5. Discussion on the Construction Method and Action of Foundation Treatment on the Vibrating Compaction Piles of Spodosol Rocks in the Miscellaneous Fill Areas 灰土碎石振动挤密桩在杂填土地区的地基处理施工方法和作用