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2024-02-11 04:39:17
美[spɔɪlˌbæŋk]  英[spɔɪlˌbæŋk]
n.  弃土堆;废石堆;(煤矿的)矸石堆


  1. It can get good society and economic efficiency on the feasible study on the raising height of truck spoilbank bench at Baiyunebo Mine. 本文针对白云铁矿提高汽车排土场的排土高度可行性做了论述,可获得巨大经济效益和社会效益。
  2. The spoilbank is a place in the opencast mine where the engineering disasters easily happen, and the control of the disasters of the spoilbank is ve ry important for the mine enterprises. 排土场是露天矿山工程灾害的易发部位,加强排土场灾害治理对矿山企业具有重要意义。
  3. Keywords truck spoilbank;shoulder height;volume of the circular flow;transportation distance; 汽车排土场;台阶高度;周转量;运距;