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2024-02-11 04:49:16
美[spoʊksˌpiːpl]  英[spəʊksˌpiːpl]
sp.  [复]n.;众发言人;众代言人


  1. Spokespeople for all four banks declined to comment. 四家银行的发言人拒绝发表意见。
  2. We asked both programs to provide spokespeople;both declined. 我们请双方节目出个发言人,但他们都拒绝了。
  3. A: How does Nike always sign the biggest stars as celebrity spokespeople? 耐吉怎麽总是可以签下最红的明星为名人代言人。
  4. The Presidents spokespeople have taken to calling this the "blame game. 总统的发言人称这个为“责怪游戏”。
  5. A lot of spokespeople declaimed against the proposal in the meeting. 大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。
  6. Spokespeople for both drug makers said their companies are cooperating fully. 两家药厂的发言人都说,他们的公司正在进行充分合作。