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2024-02-11 04:58:16
美[spɒndɪl]  英[spɒndɪl]
n.  脊椎


  1. According to a recent health survey based on responses from over 10,000 collegians,more than 3 in 10 college students have spondyle or jiont problems. 据某市内对近万名在校大学生的健康状况调查显示,三成以上大学生患有不同程度的脊椎和关节问题。
  2. The inner cycle set with soft massage blocks, which would comfort your spondyle after worked before computer for whole day. 英利850按摩型呼啦圈内圈有块状按摩软块,在电脑前工作一整天后,它可以让你的劳累的脊椎骨得到彻底的解放。
  3. the vertebra; the spine; spondyle 脊椎骨
  4. Albees osteotome for spondyle elevating 阿耳比(氏)椎骨剥离用平骨凿
  5. osteotome for spondyle elevating 椎骨剥离用骨刀
  6. MRI study of the spondyle and spinal cord of rabbit LI He ping 家兔脊椎与脊髓磁共振成像方法和表现