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2024-02-11 05:16:16
美[spɒnsən]  英[spɒnsn]
n.  舷侧突出的地方;突出炮座;水鳍


  1. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Ausf G was the tapered one-piece upper hull side plate on the sponson over the suspension. 新设计了一个引擎盖,上面有一个升起的风扇罩。G型可能与众不同的特征是在车体侧面有一块逐渐变小的车体边板用来挡住悬挂机构。
  2. Aft sponson aluminum alloy construction with machined frames and composite construction. Houses main undercarriage and condenser for air conditioning system. 浮筒后部为铝合金,内装主起落架和空调系统的冷凝器。
  3. The M2 featured a high superstructure with a sponson mounted machine gun in each corner. in addition, two more machine guns were fixed in the glacis plate and fired by the driver. M2的特征是由一个高的上层结构和在每个角都有一个侧凸出的机枪塔。另外还有两挺或者更多的机枪是被固定在倾斜的钢板上,由驾驶员进行操作。
  4. The main different between the Land Raider and the Prometheus is its weaponsry. the quad-mounted heavy bolters in each sponson replace the Land Raiders lascannons. 基本型兰德掠袭者与普罗米修斯型之间最主要的不同在于他们的武器系统,四联装的重型爆矢枪取代了两侧的光束加农炮。
  5. The armament consists of 1 twin-linked Assault Cannon and 2 Flamestorm Cannons (each on a side sponson). It may be upgraded to mount a Multi-melta and/or a pintle mounted Storm Bolter. 武器系统由一门双联突击炮和每侧一门火焰风暴喷射器组成,他们可以升级成多管热熔炮和/或侧装风暴爆矢枪。
  6. Forward part of sponson composite structure, housing fuel cell and flotation bag 浮筒前部为复合材料,内装油箱和气囊