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2024-02-11 05:18:16
美[spɒnsɒrɪəl]  英[spɒnsɒrɪəl]
adj.  保证人的;给孩子取名的人的;教父的


  1. Mr. Robert Brown was announced as the sponsor. 罗勃特·布朗先生被宣布为赞助人。
  2. It is a pity that he doesnt have enough money to sponsor the project. 遗憾的是他没有足够的钱来支持这项计划。
  3. A wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generous donation. 有个富有的赞助人慷慨捐赠来解救我们。
  4. Usually a sponsor buys a show built around a star. 通常节目提供者只买以一位明星为主角的表演。
  5. He will stand sponsor to my son. 他将做我儿子的教父。
  6. The company had sponsor the foot ball match. 该公司已为这场足球赛提供了赞助。