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2024-02-11 05:33:17
美[spuːnbɪl]  英[spuːnbɪl]
n.  篦鹭


  1. wading birds having a long flat bill with a tip like a spoon


  1. Their habits and other similar spoonbill. 它们的习性和其他鹭相似。
  2. Spoonbill standing as if he only has one leg. 一只有腿的鸟图片 One Legged Bird.
  3. Some species, including the black-billed spoonbill, are endangered. 含black-billed spoonbill在内的有些种类已濒临绝灭。
  4. A startled black-faced spoonbill spreads its wings before taking to the air. 受到干扰的黑面琵鹭振翅即将起飞。
  5. The lady dressed as a Black-faced Spoonbill(Platalea minor), not as a penguin. 照片中的女生扮演的是黑面琵鹭,不是企鹅!!
  6. First, we went bird watching.The Bird we saw most is the Black-Faced Spoonbill. 首先,我们先去赏鸟,看到最多的是黑面琵鹭。