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2024-02-11 06:05:17
美[ˌspoʊrəzoʊən]  英[spɔːrəzəʊən]
n.  孢子虫


  1. parasitic spore-forming protozoan


  1. A thick - walled structure in which sporozoan zygotes develop and that serves to transfer them to new hosts. 孢子一种外壁很厚的组织,孢子在这里受精发育,再把他们转入新的个体中
  2. A thick-walled structure in which sporozoan zygotes develop and that serves to transfer them to new hosts. 孢子一种外壁很厚的组织,孢子在这里受精发育,再把他们转入新的个体中
  3. An infective disease caused by sporozoan parasites that are transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. 由蚊子传播的寄生虫感染而导致的一种传染病。
  4. A protozoan cell that arises from the schizogony of a parent sporozoan and may enter either the asexual or sexual phase of the life cycle. 裂殖子亲本孢子虫通过裂殖法产生的原生动物细胞,能开拓新的无性或有性生命循环
  5. Any of various sporozoan protozoans of the order Gregarinida that are parasitic within the digestive tracts of various invertebrates including arthropods and annelids. 簇虫任一种簇虫孢子虫类的原生动物,寄生于各类无脊椎动物,包括节肢动物和环节动物的消化道内
  6. characteristic of many sporozoan protozoans. 许多孢子虫具有此特点。