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2024-02-11 06:15:16
美[spɔːtɪv]  英[spɔːtɪv]
adj.  爱玩的;爱好运动的
  副词:sportively  名词:sportiveness


  1. relating to or interested in sports
  2. given to merry frolicking;

    "frolicsome students celebrated their graduation with parties and practical jokes"


  1. To behave or converse in a sportive or playful way. 不认真地做以开玩笑的或戏谑的方式举动或交谈
  2. Im a goodlooking and sportive man, very caresss. 我是个英俊开朗的人,同时十分寂寞。
  3. For sportive words and uttring foolish things. 只会插科打诨,说些无聊的蠢事。
  4. Notizie sui nuovi modelli, auto sportive e depoca. 网站简介: Contiene informazioni sul mondo delle auto.
  5. Sportive new Sector with 2 years warranty in a nice Sector box. 成色 0 (崭新);钢;石英;新;含包装盒;含说明书;
  6. The Master said: "The Divine Mother is always playful and sportive. 师父说:“神圣母亲总是胡闹嬉戏的。