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2024-02-11 08:19:17
美[spaɪ]  英[spaɪ]
n.  间谍;侦探;侦察
v.  侦探;监视;看到;找出
  名词复数:spies  过去式:spied  过去分词:spied  现在分词:spying  第三人称单数:spies


  1. 间谍,特务
  2. 密探,侦探,探子
  3. 侦察,暗探
  4. 情报员
  5. 暗中监视,暗中侦察
  6. 密探行为
  1. 窥察虚实,摸清情况,查明,了解清楚
  2. 暗中侦察(监视)
  3. 做密探间谍,当间谍,从事间谍活动
  4. 察见,察觉,找出,看见,侦察出
  5. 仔细察看,刺探
  6. 搜集情报
  7. 暗中查出(常与out连用)


  1. [C] 间谍,特务,密探 a person employed to find out secret information, especially from an enemy or a competitor in business
  1. vt. & vi. 窥探 act as a spy on; watch secretly
  2. vt. & vi. 观察 observe; see; discover


  1. (military) a secret agent hired by a state to obtain information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors
  2. a secret watcher; someone who secretly watches other people;

    "my spies tell me that you had a good time last night"

  1. catch sight of
  2. watch, observe, or inquire secretly
  3. catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes;

    "he caught sight of the kings men coming over the ridge"

  4. secretly collect sensitive or classified information; engage in espionage;

    "spy for the Russians"


  1. spy the horseman看到骑者
  2. spy the way侦察出一条路
  1. spy artfully狡猾地窥探
  2. spy bravely勇敢地窥探
  3. spy breathlessly匆忙窥探
  4. spy briefly短暂地窥探
  5. spy carefully仔细地搜查
  6. spy cautiously小心翼翼地观察
  7. spy challengingly具有挑战性地窥探
  8. spy deliberately故意窥探
  9. spy generally一般性地窥探
  10. spy importunately急切地窥探
  11. spy instinctively本能地窥探
  12. spy involuntarily不由自主地观察
  13. spy patiently耐心地窥探
  14. spy purposely有目的地窥探
  15. spy scrupulously谨慎地窥探
  16. spy selectively有选择地窥探
  17. spy sententiously故作庄严地窥探
  18. spy slyly偷偷摸摸地观察
  19. spy spontaneously自然地窥探
  20. spy successively连续窥探
  21. spy thoroughly彻底地搜查窥探
  22. spy tirelessly不知疲倦地窥探
  23. spy unkindly非善意地窥探
  24. spy unscrupulously肆无忌惮地观察
  25. spy out察出
  1. spy into调查
  2. spy on窥探,监视


  1. The spy was expelled from the realm.这名间谍被驱逐出境。
  2. This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.这个证据证实了我认为他是间谍的这一看法。
  3. The scout was sent to spy out the land.侦探被派出去秘密侦察高地去了。
  4. She hired a detective to spy on her husband.她雇了一个侦探来监视她丈夫。
  5. They read the histories and talk about the weapons and spy tools.他们阅读历史记录,谈论武器和侦察工具。
  1. The scout was sent to spy out the land.侦探被派出去秘密侦察高地去了。
  2. Its wrong to spy into peoples affairs.刺探他人的私事是错误的。
  3. He is paid by the police to spy on other students.警察收买他去监视其他学生。
  4. He sent out a party to spy the enemy.他派出一个小分队暗中监视敌人的行动。
  5. How much did you pay the man to spy on me?你付那人多少钱来监视我?
  6. I spy someone on the garden path .我看到花园小径上有个人。
  7. The Cassini orbiter may be able to spy some of the hidden puppeteers.卡西尼太空船也许能够找出这些幕后的操纵者。
  8. I do spy some marks of love in her.我真的从她脸上看出几分爱我的意思来了。


    spy作名词时意思是“间谍”,转化为动词意思是“窥探”,引申可指“观察”。 spy既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词作宾语。有时也可接由现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,通常与介词或副词连用。