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2024-02-11 08:52:16
美[skwerli]  英[skweəli]
adv.  成方形地;成直角地;直接地;坚定地;公平地


  1. 直截了当地,断然地
  2. 正对着地
  3. 干脆地
  4. 正好
  5. 明确地,明确无误地
  6. 诚实地
  7. 正当地
  8. 成方形地
  9. 成直角地
  10. 坚定地
  11. 正直地
  12. 公正地
  13. 径直地
  14. 不偏不倚地
  15. 毫不含糊地
  16. 规规矩矩地


  1. directly and without evasion; not roundabout;

    "to face a problem squarely" "the responsibility lies squarely with them" "spoke forthright (or forthrightly) and to the point"

  2. in a straight direct way;

    "looked him squarely in the eye" "ran square into me"

  3. firmly and solidly;

    "hit the ball squarely" "the bat met the ball squarely" "planted his great bulk square before his enemy"

  4. in a square shape;

    "a squarely cut piece of paper" "folded the sheet of paper square"

  5. with firmness and conviction; without compromise;

    "he stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration" "dealt straightforwardly with all issues"


  1. You try to form it squarely, dont you?你是想把它弄成四方形,是吗?
  2. His hat was set squarely on his head.他的帽子成直角地放在他头上。
  3. The responsibility lies squarely with them.责任直接在于他们。
  4. I am confident that the Congress will face these responsibilities squarely.我相信国会将会坚定地面对这些重任。
  5. He dealt squarely with his customers.他公平地对待他的顾客。