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2024-02-11 08:59:16
美[skwɑːt]  英[skwɒt]
v.  蹲下;蹲坐;擅自占地
adj.  蹲着的;矮胖胖的;低矮的
n.  蹲;擅自占用的土地
  比较级:squatter  最高级:squattest  名词:squatter  过去式:squatted  过去分词:squatted  现在分词:squatting  第三人称单数:squats


  1. 蹲踞,蹲,蹲坐
  2. 蜷伏,蹲伏
  3. <美>擅自占地,非法占据空屋,占住,霸占
  4. <美>依法在政府公地上定居下来
  5. 使蹲坐,使蹲下
  6. <美俚>大便
  7. 爬在地上
  8. 偷住
  1. 矮胖的,粗短的
  2. 蹲着的,坐着的
  3. 长得结实的
  4. 低矮的,矮而宽的
  5. 蹲著的
  1. 蹲,蹲坐
  2. 蹲坐的姿势,蹲伏的位置
  3. 蜷伏
  4. 擅自占用的土地,非法占据的空屋
  5. 矮胖子
  6. 偷住的房子
  7. <俚>什么也没有;极少量


  1. vi. 蹲坐;蹲 (of people) sit on ones heels or on the ground with the knees drawn up under or close to the body;crouch
  2. vi. 擅自占住(空屋) occupy an empty building or settle on unoccupied land,etc. without permission
  1. 矮胖的;矮而宽的 short and thick;dumpy
  1. [S] 蹲坐,蹲姿 a squatting position of the body
  2. [C] 被擅自占用的建筑物 person who occupies a building or land without permission


  1. exercising by repeatedly assuming a crouching position with the knees bent; strengthens the leg muscles
  2. a small worthless amount;

    "you dont know jack"

  3. the act of assuming or maintaining a crouching position with the knees bent and the buttocks near the heels
  1. short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature;

    "some people seem born to be square and chunky" "a dumpy little dumpling of a woman" "dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears" "a little church with a squat tower" "a squatty red smokestack" "a stumpy ungainly figure"

  2. having a low center of gravity; built low to the ground
  1. sit on ones heels;

    "In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting" "The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm"

  2. be close to the earth, or be disproportionately wide;

    "The building squatted low"

  3. occupy (a dwelling) illegally


  1. The old man squatted down by the fire.老人蹲在炉火旁。
  2. The savages squat around the fire.野人们围火蹲着。
  3. A squat figure sat in front of the fire.一个蹲坐的人形坐在火炉的前面。
  4. It was five times his squat height, and it would take thirty Unggoy to circumscribe its curved surface.有他蹲坐五倍高,它的圆形弯曲的表面需要三十个温皋彝才能环抱。
  5. He squatted in an empty house.他擅自在一座空屋居住。
  1. A squat figure sat in front of the fire.一个蹲坐的人形坐在火炉的前面。
  2. Now they were stopping at a squat red frame station.他们在一座又矮又小的红色木头房子里停住了。
  3. A squat pot-bellied figure bustled forward through the gloom.一位矮矮胖胖、大腹便便的人影从阴暗处奔了出来。
  1. The two techniques are the split and the squat.这两种技术是箭步式和下蹲式。
  2. The savages squat around the fire.野人们围火蹲着。
  3. She is living in a squat.她住在私占的屋子里。