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2024-02-11 11:18:16
美[steəhed]  英[steəhed]
n.  楼梯顶


  1. platform at the top of a staircase


  1. When Dingxiaoning went upstairs to looking for her, she went downstairs from another stairhead. 她惊叫一声就往楼下冲去,丁晓宁上楼找她的时候,她从另一个楼梯囗下了楼。
  2. STATELY, PLUMP BUCK MULLIGAN CAME FROM THE STAIRHEAD, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. 体态丰满而有风度的勃克·穆利根从楼梯口出现。他手里托着一钵肥皂沫,上面交叉放了一面镜子和一把剃胡刀。
  3. His head vanished but the drone of his descending voice boomed out of the stairhead: 他的头消失了,然而楼梯口传来他往下走时的低吟声:
  4. Woodshadows floated silently by through the morning peace from the stairhead seaward where he gazed 树林的阴影穿过清晨的寂静,从楼梯口悄然无声地飘向他正在眺望着的大海。
  5. His head vanished but the drone of his descending voice boomed out of the stairhead 他的头消失了,然而楼梯口传来他往下走时的低吟声
  6. STATELY, PLUMP BUCK MULLIGAN CAME FROM THE STAIRHEAD, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed 体态丰满而有风度的勃克·穆利根从楼梯口出现。他手里托着一钵肥皂沫,上面交叉放了一面镜子和一把剃胡刀。