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2024-02-11 11:25:16
美  英
adj.  斯达汉诺夫运动的


  1. In fact, given that so many of my new workmates took a long shameless nap on their desks after lunch, I felt quite the Stakhanovite. 事实上,我有很多新同事吃过午饭后,大模大样地趴在桌上睡午觉,我觉得自己真可以和以勤劳著称的苏联矿工斯塔汉诺夫媲美了。
  2. There is an element of exaggeration in this, of course, and not just about French burial habits;studies show that Americans are less Stakhanovite than they think. 这其中当然有一定的夸张成分,不仅仅在于对法国殡葬习惯的曲解,因为研究表明美国人并不如他们所自认的那么斯达汉诺夫式。
  3. The Stakhanovite in question was the retail analyst Richard Ratner from the brokerage firm Seymour Pierce, who died a couple of weeks ago after suffering a heart attack at work.He was 58. 这位劳动模范是经纪公司西莫尔皮尔斯(SeymourPierce)的零售业分析师理查德?拉特纳(RichardRatner),他因工作时心脏病发作去世,年仅58岁。