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2024-02-11 11:30:16
美[ˌstæləktɪtɪk]  英[ˌstæləktɪtɪk]
adj.  钟乳石的;钟乳石状的;钟乳石质的


  1. In France the style remained somewhat more reserved, sinceplant motives, stalactitic represeches. 巴落克式样,它的发展被发现适合装饰成为巴洛克式的教会。
  2. Usually as thin tabular, thick tabular and babular-prismatic crystasl.Granular, drusy, tabular, lamellar, fibrous, stalactitic and tubercular aggregates. 晶体常呈薄板状、厚板状、板柱状,集合体常呈粒状、晶簇、板状、片状、纤维状、钟乳状、结核状。
  3. Those who return somebody to build prolapse in housetop with gesso " stalactitic " group, multicoloured lamp illumination shoots reoccupy, had Guilin of 7 stars grotto magical. 还有人用石膏在屋顶造下垂的“钟乳石”群体,再用五彩灯光照射,就有了桂林七星岩洞的神奇。
  4. stalactitic aragonite 钟乳状霰石
  5. everywhere shell-likixtuds (e.g. plant motives, stalactitic representations,and more ingenious form of the French masters, or is carried to extremes with the consistency of ze Gerjan. 总之,它产生浩大的变化,在于样式被法国大师使用以缓和,更加美好和更加巧妙的形式,或极端承继以德国人的一贯性。