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2024-02-11 12:23:17
美[stændɪŋ]  英[stændɪŋ]
n.  持续;地位
adj.  永久的;不动的;直立的;不流动的
sp.  动词stand的现在分词.


  1. 地位,身分,名望,名声
  2. 持续时间
  3. 站立(处),起立
  4. 级别
  5. 名次(表),排名
  6. 身份
  7. 存在时间
  8. 立场
  9. 形象
  10. 身价
  11. 资格
  12. 状况
  1. 常设的, 常备的
  2. 直立的, 站着进行的,站着的
  3. 不流动的
  4. 长期存在的, 永久性的,长期的
  5. 直立生长的
  6. 停止的,不在运转的
  7. 固定的,不能移动的
  8. 【印】排好后保留的
  9. 持续的
  10. 长期有效的
  11. 【林】未伐的
  12. 【农】尚未收割的
  13. 停伫的
  1. 动词stand的现在分词


  1. social or financial or professional status or reputation;

    "of equal standing" "a member in good standing"

  2. an ordered listing of scores or results showing the relative positions of competitors (individuals or teams) in a sporting event
  3. the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position
  1. having a supporting base;

    "a standing lamp"

  2. not created for a particular occasion;

    "a standing committee"

  3. (of fluids) not moving or flowing;

    "mosquitoes breed in standing water"

  4. executed in or initiated from a standing position;

    "race from a standing start" "a standing jump" "a standing ovation"

  5. (of persons) on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs;

    "standing room only"

  6. permanent;

    "a standing army"


  1. Keep standing there for an hour.动作的持续。
  2. Their relationship is of many years standing.他们的关系持续数年。
  3. Aristocracy has high social standing.贵族们有很高的社会地位。
  4. He is a person of high standing.他是位有着很高地位的人。
  1. She could not bear with composure to become a standing joke with Mrs. Jennings.她是不能眼看着詹宁斯太太把她作为永久的谈笑资料而无动于衷。
  2. Yet a very little observation shows that the moon is not standing still.但是只稍微观察一会就知道月亮不是静止不动的。