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2024-02-11 13:17:17
美[staːˌgeɪz]  英[staːˌgeɪz]
vi.  眺望星星;耽入梦想
  过去式:stargazed  过去分词:stargazed  现在分词:stargazing  第三人称单数:stargazes


  1. observe the stars
  2. have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy


  1. Stargaze while youre on the phone. 打电话时一起做白日梦。
  2. Stargaze while on youre on the phone. 当你们通电话的时候同时仰望星空。
  3. Including screensavers and Web features, Stargaze will keep spaceheads happy and entranced for hours, and convert the unbelievers. 包括屏保和Web特性,StarGaze会带给天文爱好者持续的欢乐,并转变那些对此持怀疑论者,进入太空的世界。
  4. I remember my west malaysian friends visited my hometown for the first time, there was a blackout and it was nighttime.So we decide to stargaze outside my house, go for a moon tanning. 我记得我第一次带西马朋友来沙巴的第一天,家里就停电了,刚好是晚上,大伙儿会到屋外去晒月亮,看星星。
  5. If you’re a professional astronomer working with a large installed telescope, you probably already have plenty of equipment to let you know when it’s the ideal conditions to stargaze. 如果你是一个用大型望远镜工作的专业天文学家,你很可能已经有很多设备协助你在最佳的时间段来观测星相。
  6. Stargaze: Hubbles View of the Universe 查看评论遥望星空:哈勃眼中的宇宙