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2024-02-11 13:24:16
美[stɑːrlaɪk]  英[stɑːrlaɪk]
adj.  星形的;星般闪烁的


  1. resembling a star;

    "they saw a starlike object in the sky"


  1. Constellation reconstructs images as starlike points of light. 星座 重建图像作为光的星形的点。
  2. They may be unicellular or multicellular, simple, forked, sellate(starlike), downy, silky, long, or short. 毛可由单细胞或多细胞组成,有结构单一,叉状,具鞍的(星形的),也有柔软的,柔滑的,长形的或短形的。
  3. A six-rayed starlike figure optically produced in some crystal structures by reflected or transmitted light. 星彩,星芒某些水晶体经反光或光线穿透所产生的六棱形星状图象
  4. A starlike object that has a large red shift and emits powerful blue light and often radio waves. 类星体一种类似星体的物体,它有很大的红移并放射出大量的蓝光,而且经常还有无线电波
  5. In 1979 M. S. Robertson gave a characterization of the class of starlike univalent functions. S.;Robertson于1979年给出了星象单叶函数类的有趣刻划。
  6. A firework that ascends high into the air where it explodes in a brilliant cascade of flares and starlike sparks. 冲天火箭:一种鞭炮,能够高高地冲入空中,并在那里爆炸,发出炫目的闪光和星状的火花