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2024-02-11 13:59:17
美[steɪtswʊmən]  英[steɪtswʊmən]
n.  妇女政治家


  1. a woman statesman


  1. She was an outstanding stateswoman in feudal times... 她善于用人,把整个国家管理得井井有条,是...
  2. Wu Zetian was an outstanding stateswoman in Chinese history. 武则天是中国历史上杰出的女政治家。
  3. Germanys first woman leader is known as a brave and down-to-earth stateswoman. 德国的首位女总理被称为是勇敢和脚踏实地的女政治家。
  4. She is a fine stateswoman, and many people regard her as the architect of the national welfare. 她是一位非常优秀的政治家,许多人把她视为现代福利国家的设计师。
  5. Wu Zetian was the only empress in Chinas history. She was an outstanding stateswoman in feudal times... 武则天是中国历史上惟一的女皇帝,她是封建时代杰出的女政治家。她善于用人,把整个国家管理得井井有条,是...
  6. She entered the political arena at the age of 25, who was a fine stateswoman, and many people regarded her as the architect of the national welfare. 她二十五岁就进入了政界,被认为是一位非常优秀的政治家,许多人把她视为现代福利国家的设计师。