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2024-02-11 14:08:17
美[steɪtɪst]  英[steɪtɪst]
n.  统计学者;中央集权论者;国家经济统制论者
adj.  统计学者的


  1. His political thinking is statist, too. 他的政治思想也是中央集权性质的。
  2. Gaullism is also topical thanks to a revival of statism. 中央集权制的复兴也使得戴高乐主义成为人们讨论的话题。
  3. Indeed, many in France have found renewed pride in their statist system. 实际上,许多法国人为自己祖国中央集权体制的复兴感到骄傲。
  4. Mr Cleggs overall argument is that Labours ingrained statism has failed. 克莱格的整体观点是,工党根深蒂固的国家主义已经溃败。
  5. They rightly consider Hayek the leading thinker in the revolt against statism. 本书作者从一度的肥胖给自己的生活带来种种苦恼开始,详细讲述了自己瘦身减肥的成功经历,内容涉及节食、运动、饮水、睡眠、穿塑身衣。
  6. The system employs remote sensing materials of TM, SPOT, QB and social and economic statist ics data as well as 3S technologies. 是采用TM、SPOT和QB遥感资料和社会经济的测量统计资料,应用先进3S技术建立的。